To ensure physical and psychological safety of our children, easy access to mental health service and support in schools is the first step. The ambit of mental health must encompass the emotional, behavioral, and social wellbeing of a child. The most important feature of mental health is ‘adaptability’, the ability to cope with daily life challenges effectively. Giving a secure environment to children in schools is important for this reason. Easy access, wellbeing and adaptability must be aligned together to create a comprehensive system in a school. Sometimes, students feel directionless in the absence of guidance at home or outside to actualize their academic potential. The school counselor can act as a mentor and help to better understand higher study options after school. Creating safe play areas in schools is crucial for children’s physical and emotional well-being. Designated playgrounds with age-appropriate equipment, safe surfaces, and secure fencing. Ensure buildings and facilities are accessible to children including ramps, elevators, and adaptive equipment.