Fee Rules

  • All fees should be paid strictly as scheduled.
  • A delay beyond two months in the payment of fees renders a student’s name liable to be struck off the rolls.
  • No deduction are made for vacations and broken periods.
  • Fees can be paid in three instalments or at on time at the beginning of he academic year in June.
  • There will be an annual increase of 10-20% in fees every year.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded.
  • If the fees are not paid on or before the last date, a fine of Rs.100 will be charged till the end of the month.  For delay of each month, fine will be an extra Rs. 200/-
  • All the school fees shall be remitted to the Catholic Syrian Bank using the challan forms issued by the school office or through online.
  • There is facility for remittance of fees at school twice a term. Specific days will be made known through SMS.